Hello from the Team

Thanks for finding us here at Real World Roaming. We hope the reviews and tips we share here will help you when you are planning your next trip. Before you start exploring the site, we would love to tell you some more about us and who we are.

Who we are

We are a team of travelers with a diverse set of backgrounds. We are based in the United States, all originating from different states.

Our styles of travel range from budget to comfort and our interests range from relaxation to adventure.

We like to think we have at least one thing in common with every fellow traveler, and therefore something to offer everyone

Our goal

Our goal is to offer honest realistic insight into traveling, as well as honest real reviews of destinations, accommodations, and activities.

We hope that with this information you are able to create the best itinerary possible for your trip that is tailored to you.

If we think something is a tourist trap we are going to say it. If it’s gimmicky but still kinda fun, we are gonna say that too. We will also share all the hidden gems we find along the way as well.

We want to give you the most realistic and honest information so that you can make an informed decision when planning your travel

Why we started

We love to travel. When building our itinerary we put in hours of effort and research. We have realized lately, in this social media age, that information online isn’t always the full picture.

A lot of travel information out there shares only the good parts, painting things in a rosy unrealistic light. Leaving out the bad parts is great for views online but bad for actually planning a trip.

Because of this we decided to start a travel site that would post honest accounts of our travels, sharing the good and the bad. Allowing us to give everyone the information we wish we had when we planned our trip. Hopefully saving you from combing through google and reddit reviews, hoping that they are from real people and not bots (We’ve been there).

So again welcome to Real World Roaming. We hope you enjoy reading about our travels and seeing the world through our eyes. Hopefully, our insights can help you make the best of your travel experience. Most of all, we hope to inspire you travel beyond the brochure, and into the real world.

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